Treatment offers:
Specialized psychiatric and psychotherapeutic counseling, diagnosis and treatments are conducted by Dr. med. Thomas Moehlecke.
Psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments on referral are conducted by the psychologists lic. phil. Michel Berner and Dr. phil. Henry Hunziker.
The fees for the medical psychiatric treatments are normally assumed by your medical insurance company. As usual with any medical treatment, you carry 10% of the costs.
In special situations (e. g. disorders due to accidents) other insurances (e. g. the accident insurance (SUVA)) take care of 100% of the costs from psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments.
An appointment could be arranged directly or through your GP. If you are insured on a managed Care System ("HMO" or "Hausarztmodell"), a referral letter from your GP with previous notification to your insurance company is required.
Contact: You can contact us directly by phone 10 min. before each full hour (see contact). On weekends and at night you can reach us via our combox, by fax or by e-mail (see contact).